Friday, May 27, 2016

The matrix.xla add-in

This add-in for Excel 2000/XP is composed by 4 files:

  • matrix.xla
  • matrix.hlp
  • matrix.csv (*)
  • FunCustomize.dll  (**)

(*) "matrix.csv" can be used only if you have XNUMBERS 2.4 package. In that case put the CSV file in the same directory of xnumbers. The Xnumbers function handbook will be able to load also the new functions of "matrix.xla"
(**)  appears by courtesy of Laurent Longre  (

It is available for download at The downloads section at (the sites of matrix.xla and FunCustomize are no longer available).

that contains also other applications from the same team (Leonardo Volpi; John Beyers).

Unfortunately, if it is not my fault, some problems arise when working with this add-in in recent versions of Excel. However, since the code is open you can access the VBA code and import the desired routines to your workbook or even to an add-in.

In some cases, the routines import process is not straightforward since there are routines that call other routines, implying the necessity of tracing the computation flow. Another option that seem to work is the importation of the relevant VBA modules.

Another limitation is that, as it seems, Microsoft ceased to support the old format help files. To sidestep this situation you can use the add-in tutorials that are available in several sites, namely

Volume 1

Volume 2

 You can also covert the add-in (xla) to a Workbook format performing the steps indicated in 

  • Press Alt F11
  • Press Ctrl R
  • In the window pane click the "Thisworkbook" object
  • Press F4
  • Scroll down this window until you see
  • IsAddin
  • Change the property to False
  • Now save the workbook as xls

The workbook obtained has a sheet with detailed information about the routines listed below. As far as I understand, these are only the master routines that call auxiliary routines not listed.  

One simple way to get all procedures listed is 
  • Copy the entire codes to an Excel spreadsheet column
  • Sort the contents of the column
  • Delete the rows that do not contain procedure declarations

Name Function Description
Gauss_Jordan_step Gauss Jordan algorithm step by step
Gram_Schmidt Gram-Schmidt's Orthonormalization
Interpolate Interpolation with polynomials
M_ABS Euclidean Norm of vector or matrix
M_ADD Addition of matrices 
M_BAB Similarity transform [B]*[A]*[B]^-1
M_DET Determinant
M_DET_C Determinant for complex matrix
M_DET3 Determinant for tridiagonal matrices
M_DIAG Diagonal matrix from a vector
M_DIAG_ERR Diagonalization error
M_EXP Matrix series expansion e^[M]
M_EXP_ERR Truncation error of matrix expansion series
M_ID Matrix Identity (I)
M_INV Matrix inverse [A]^-1
M_INV_C Complex Matrix inverse [A]^-1
M_MULT_C Complex matrices multiplication
M_MULT3 Mutliplication for tridiagonal matrix
M_POW Power of matrix [A]^n
M_PROD Product of matrices [A]*[B]*[C]*….
M_PROD_S Matrix multiplication for a scalar
M_RANK Rank of matrix
M_SUB Subtraction of matrices
M_T Matrix transpose
M_TRAC Trace
M_TRIA_ERR Triangolarization error
Mat_Adm Returns the Admittance matrix of a linear passive network
Mat_BlokPerm Returns the permutation vector of block-partitioned matrix
Mat_Blok Returns the block-partitioned matrix
Mat_Cholesky Cholesky decomposition
Mat_Hessemberg Hessemberg form
Mat_Hilbert Returns Hilbert's matrix
Mat_Householder Returns Houseolder matrix
Mat_Leontief Returns the Leontief inverse matrix of Input Output Analysis
Mat_LU LU decomposition
Mat_QR QR decomposition
Mat_QR_iter Performs the diagonalization with the QR iterative method
Mat_Tartaglia Returns Tartaglia's matrix
Mat_Vandermonde Returns Vandermonde's matrix
MatCharPoly Characteristic polynomial coefficients
MatCmpn Companion matrix
MatCorr Correlation matrix
MatCovar Covariance matrix
MatDiagExtr Diagonal extractor 
MatEigenvalue_Jacobi Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix with Jacobi algorithm
MatEigenvalue_max Dominant eigenvectors with powers' method
MatEigenvalue_pow Eigenvectors with powers' method
MatEigenvalue_QL Eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrix
MatEigenvalue_QR Eigenvalues with QR algorithm
MatEigenvalue_TridUni Eigenvalues of tridiagonal uniform matrix
MatEigenvector Eigenvector of eigenvalue
MatEigenvector_C Complex eigenvector of eigenvalue
MatEigenvector_inv Eigenvector of  eigenvalue
MatEigenvector_Jacobi Eigenvectors of symmetric matrix with Jacobi algorithm
MatEigenvector_max Dominant eigenvalues with powers' method
MatEigenvector_pow Eigenvalues with powers' method
MatEigenvector3 Eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrix
MatExtract Extract sub-matrix
MatMopUp Matrix mop-up of round-off errors
MatNorm Vector or Matrix Norm
MatNormalize Vectors Normalization
MatOrtNorm Orthonormalization
MatPerm Permutation matrix
MatRnd Random matrix
MatRndEig Random matrix with given eigenvalues
MatRndEigSym Random symmetric matrix with given eigenvalues
MatRndRank Random matrix with given rank or determinant
MatRndSim Random symmetric matrix with given rank or det.
MatRot Returns the orthogonal planar rotation matrix
MatRotation_Jacobi Jacobi's rotation matrix
Path_Floyd All-pairs-path of Graph with Floyd's algorithm
Path_Min Returns the shortest path of a Graph with Floyd's algorithm
Poly_Roots Polynomial rootfinder with Lin-Bairstow method
Poly_Roots_QR Polynomial rootfinder with QR method
ProdScal Scalar Product (inner)
ProdScal_C Complex scalar product
ProdVect Vector Product 3D
REGRL Linear regression with SVD
REGRP Polynomial regression
RRMS root mean squares 
Simplex Linear Optimization with Simplex method
SVD_D Singular Value Decomposition [U]*[D]*[V]^t: returns D
SVD_U Singular Value Decomposition [U]*[D]*[V]^t: returns U
SVD_V Singular Value Decomposition [U]*[D]*[V]^t: returns V
SYSLIN Solve Linear System [A]x=b
SYSLIN_C Solve a Complex Linear System [A]x=b
SYSLIN_ITER_G Solve Linear System with Gauss-Seidel algorithm
SYSLIN_ITER_J Solve Linear System with Jacobi algorithm
SYSLIN_T Solve triangular linear sistem
SYSLIN3 Solve tridiagonal linear system
SYSLINSING Solve Singular Linear System [A]x=b
TRASFLIN Linear Transform
VarimaxIndex Returns the Varimax index of a given Factors matrix
VarimaxRot Computes the orthogonal rotation with Varimax Kaiser's
M_MULT_TPZ Multiplies a Toeplitz matrix for a vector
SYSLIN_TPZ Solve Toeplitz Linear System [A]x=b
M_TPZ_ERR Toeplitz matrix error

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